Davidson Realty Shares Stories of Coming to America

July 20, 2010

Posted by in News

american-flagAt the Davidson Companies we have a unique, diverse team of professionals who work together as a team, sharing their collective experiences.  In honor of Independence Day, at our weekly sales meeting of staff and agents, five individuals from Columbia, Cuba, Germany and England shared their stories of “coming to America”. 

Carol VonRabenstein from Columbia, Ed Gil from Cuba, Mirtha Barzaga from Cuba, Jurgen “Jerry” May from Germany and Vanessa Cunningham from England all described the journey that brought them to America.  We were all “moved” in more ways than one, of the hardships that some of them endured and had an overwhelming sense of respect for the tenacity, strength, fortitude and resilience it took for them to leave their home and come to a completely different country. One thing rang true in all five cases; they were so thankful to have made the decision to come to the US.  They are all now American citizens and they love our country as much as if they had been born here.

As our group listened to and contemplated the international stories, we realized, that sometimes perhaps we take for granted how lucky and blessed we are to live in such a wonderful country.

Davidson Realty