Quick Guide to Downsizing Without Getting Overwhelmed

July 23, 2019

Posted by in News

There is no doubt about it—downsizing is on trend. This includes retirees, parents whose children have moved out, and some who are just looking for a change. But in many cases, those looking to reduce square footage are met with an abundance of stuff, making moving seem overwhelming.


While reducing things you’ve accumulated over the years can be a challenge, step-by-step, it is possible to downsize without drowning in stuff!



1. Assess your new environment.

 Where you are moving makes a huge difference in how much you must part with. For example, moving from a 4-bedroom home to a 2-bedroom condo will require elimination of, say, two bedroom suites and a couple closets’ worth of things.

Eliminating your rec room? Plan to sell the pool table. Moving to a condo? Donate the mower and weed eater. You get the idea. There is no need to become a minimalist; just use common sense in knowing what will fit and what won’t.


Make a list of the big things—beds, exercise equipment, sofas, dining sets—that will not fit, and you’ve already made great progress. Professional organizers will tell you to start with the big stuff, and this initial step is a great way to do that.


2. Clean out your old environment.

Start by creating stations and clearly marking their purpose (Giveaway, Donate, Sell, Trash). Then go room to room, removing items that are no longer useful or, as author Marie Kondo says, do not “bring you joy.” It may sound silly, but the premise makes sense when applied!


Professionals recommend you begin with closets, as these are often the most cluttered with unnecessary stuff. Then, move on to other out-of-the-way places—the attic, garage, spare rooms and storage cabinets. Finally, go through high-traffic areas like the bedrooms, bathrooms, kitchen and living room.


Having trouble determining what to do with an item? If you answer no to any of these questions, you know what to do:

  1. Have I used it in the past year?
  2. Will I realistically use it in the next year? (“I might need this someday” doesn’t count!)
  3. Does it have strong sentimental value to me?


3. Digitize & streamline your dust collectors.

We all have items we love but serve no purpose other than carrying from house to house. This includes photo albums, awards, old collections and knick-knacks. By digitizing them, you can still enjoy them without storing, moving or dusting them!


Photos can easily be converted to digital form (scan them yourself or hire a service like LegacyBox.com). For other items, you can take photos of them, create an album on your computer to enjoy any time you like, and then let them go. It’s often said that it is the memory we tie to items, not the items themselves, that we cherish.


Where possible, bequeath these sentimental items to loved ones. Still have your children’s sports trophies, old art projects, board games, baby blankets or room decor? They may enjoy having those items!


No matter how you slice it, downsizing is still a challenging process. I can help you find a home that is the perfect size no matter your stage in life! Contact me at 904.501.1830 or mbarzaga@davidsonrealtyinc.com.

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