The Olympics Take Over World Golf Village – Relay for Life 2012!

April 16, 2012


jockAnother successful year raising money for the cure! World Golf Village neighbors, businesses, friends and family came out on Saturday to celebrate, remember, and fight back against cancer. We had beautiful sunny weather with cool breezes to keep us going around the track over and over again. Davidson agents and staff signed up to walk at all hours from 3 pm to 9 am. The Davidson Companies raised even more money than last year, totaling over $4,000 (including sponsorship money)! Jock Ochiltree, Davidson Agent and cancer survivor, was our highest fundraiser, raising over $1,200 himself!

Jock Ochiltree and Roberta Hicks, our two cancer survivors, proudly took the first lap with all the other survivors to kick off the relay. For me, this is the most powerful part of relay. It really put everything into perspective and shows why you relay in the first place – we WILL find a cure!

People had a blast walking the track, while the DJ kept the music coming. There was a huge bouncy house for the kids and all the tents were stocked with fun for everyone. Teams were selling raffle tickets for amazing gift packages, cake pops, glow sticks, glow-in-the-dark glasses, food, necklaces, and more!

577155_10150623073671706_104475941705_9365329_139430367_nAround 9 pm, the track was lined with luminaries with the names of those who have lost their battle with cancer. It was very emotional hearing a cancer survivor and caregiver tell her story to the crowd. People walked in silence and gathered to watch a presentation of photos of those that have passed.

Relay for Life is all about making sure there are more birthdays. We never want anyone to have to hear the words, “You have cancer”, again. I am happy to announce that World Golf Village Relay for Life raised $40,000 this year for research! If you would like to make a donation to Team Davidson or any other World Golf Village team please visit We are looking forward to doing it all over again next year! Enjoy the Relay for Life video!

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